12 Ways Businesses Can Save Energy


Looking to cut down on energy costs? Here are some great tips to do so.

Request for an Energy Audit

An energy audit makes it possible to determine your energy usage and define/recommend more efficient ways to save energy. Almost every electric utility company in the country offers these audits for free, a reason you should consider requesting one.

The professionals at Josco renewables will do a full inspection of your energy usage on-site, including insulation issues, air leaks, and type of lighting, among others. However, you might want to check with the local utility company first to see if they offer the service for free or if there are charges involved.

Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Equipment

Do you buy or lease your office equipment/electronics? You could save lots of energy (and money) if you upgraded to the latest Energy-Star Rated office equipment. Consider doing this as soon as possible if using rented equipment. You can also put up a plan to upgrade your existing equipment (if not leased) over time. Energy Star-rated equipment uses far less energy than non-rated ones out there.

Reduce your Peak Demand

Utility companies charge ‘arm and leg’ for energy used during peak hours (usually between 9. a.m. and 5 p.m.). Unless your business is busiest during this time, reducing your demand for energy during peak hours and increasing the same during off-peak could see you save lots of money in the long run. If possible, run factory equipment and heavy equipment in the evenings and early mornings when energy tariffs are lowest. You can then dedicate less-energy demanding tasks for office hours.

Invest in a Programmable or Smart Thermostat

If you have a 9-5 type of working arrangement, investing in programmable/smart thermostats would be an excellent way to reduce energy wastage. These thermostats can be programmed to turn everything OFF when no one is in the office and turn the AC ON just before work hours. You can also program the thermostat to turn the AC down automatically when everyone leaves. Smart thermostats also make it possible to monitor the AC status remotely, enabling you to control it from anywhere.

Consider Sensor Lights

In many office setups, bathrooms, break rooms, conference rooms, unused corridors, and unused office spaces will have lights turned on all day. While it might not seem like much, energy bills from these can add up to the thousands in the long run. While you can ask everyone to turn the lights off as soon as they leave the rooms, installing sensor lights would be a better idea. The lights will only come ON when someone is in the room and remain OFF the rest of the time.

Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Lighting

LED and CFL light bulbs are considerably more energy-efficient when compared to traditional incandescent bulbs. LEDs, for example, use 80% less energy than incandescent bulbs, thus more suitable for your office setup and best for energy savings. Consider making the switch if you still use the traditional lighting systems.

Make Use of the Natural Sunlight

Does your office space get natural sunlight in abundance? Drawing the curtains/drapes on sunny days could allow lots of natural/free light to work with. Opening the windows will also allow passive heating, hence no need to use the central heater all the time.

Run the Fans

Fans help improve airflow and circulation in warehouses, offices, showrooms, and kitchens. Although it might seem counter-effective, running your fans will allow the HVAC to run more efficiently without straining.

Power All Office Equipment and Computers Down Before Leaving for the Day

Most office computers, printers, and other equipment are left running through the night even when not in use. While setting them to sleep when inactive for a specified time might help reduce energy wastage, having all these devices turned off will save even more. You however want to involve all your employees to ensure they shut down all equipment before leaving their stations. Unplugging unused equipment (toasters, coffee makers, etc.) will also go a long way to saving energy.

Avoid ‘Phantom Energy’

Today, many equipment do not have a physical OFF switch but rather go to standby when turned off. While it may seem off, the equipment will continue to draw current over time. Computers, printers, and other peripherals are the biggest culprits. The only way to ensure these devices do not continue drawing energy is to unplug them after use. Another clever way to do this would be to invest in a smart power strip that will disconnect power at set times.

Manage the Landscape Around your Business

Does an open ground surround your business? If yes, you can then plant trees strategically to create a micro-climate by blocking winds and providing shade on hot sunny days. This will go a long way in reducing dependence and strain on your central heater.

Involve your Employees

Bringing your employees on board will make it easier to achieve your goals easily. All you need is to sensitize and encourage them to embrace energy-efficiency practices. You could also have them trained on the right ways to save energy, such as turning all unused equipment and lights off.

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