EV Cyber Security: How Secure Are Electric Vehicles?


As technology is making human life more advanced and more accessible, threats to humanity are also increasing. We need security in every perspective of life, either for the safety of our home, life, belonging, or anything important to us. With the growing advancement of IT, internet-based threats are increasing rapidly.


Cybersecurity helps to protect to deal with these cyber threats. Cybersecurity refers to safeguarding internet-connected systems, including hardware, software, and data, from cyber threats. Both organizations and individuals use the technology to prevent unauthorized access to data centers and other digital systems.

The necessity of cybersecurity continues to expand as the number of people, devices, and programs in the modern company grow, along with the rising deluge of data, most of which is sensitive or confidential. The problem is aggravated by the vast number of cyber attackers and their sophisticated attack tactics.

Automated Vehicles and Cybersecurity

Regardless of difficulties caused by COVID-19 in the automobile industry, economists expect that demand for electric vehicles will increase in 2021. In upcoming years, there will be millions of electric automobiles on the road worldwide. The auto industry has made significant progress in producing self-driving vehicles called autonomous cars, thanks to ever-improving technology. Hyundai, Tesla, and Google are the frontrunners in the development of these vehicles.

EV Security

As much as the EV sector assists in reducing the automobile industry’s overall environmental impact, there is also a growth in cybersecurity dangers. Experts say that before widely deploying electric vehicles, firms must address security concerns.

Strategies for Autonomous System Cybersecurity

Different machine learning algorithms are used for the protection of autonomous systems from cyber threats. Autonomous systems are protected by using different machine learning algorithms. Using these algorithms, the vehicle learns the pattern of the owner with time. Anything that happens against the owner’s pattern algorithm detects it and alerts the owner and demand for the user credentials.

On the other hand, some hackers have the skills to spoof user credentials and get through this first layer of defense. Experts can use deep learning and machine learning techniques to look for anomalies in data from continually growing datasets to combat this. Furthermore, vehicle-to-vehicle communication can be examined to see if the data received is “normal driving behavior” or a malicious attack.

As self-driving vehicles, drones, and automated industrial equipment become more common, cybersecurity professionals working in the autonomous machine business may anticipate confronting new obstacles.

Professionally experienced attackers can reduce the efficiency of Electric vehicles up to 50% by lowering their battery capacity and energy. The researchers looked into vulnerabilities to cyberattacks aimed at various goals, including energy efficiency and safety, and developed an architecture for next-generation power electronics systems. A few of the cybersecurity issues that can affect electronic vehicles are mentioned below:

Charging Stations

For electric vehicles, commercial charging stations will be available. Still, Electric vehicles are more vulnerable to cyberattacks than conventional internal combustion engine automobiles since they tap into the grid to charge batteries. A Hacker can use a charging station to accomplish the following tasks by rewiring charging requests and turning off charging stations.  


  • Bypass  vehicle control systems
  • Can quickly copy ID badges and use them for various transactions
  • could disable networks, range sensors, and cameras, resulting in multiple collisions
  • autonomous vehicle’s operating systems could be hacked, exposing personal information on other connected devices.
  • Can control Headlights
  • Can take the steering control
  • Can disable the brakes

Wireless Accessibility

Cybercriminals are especially interested in smartphone apps because they can use them to access electric automobiles. Hackers can also gain access to WiFi networks. Once inside, hackers can disable a vehicle’s alarm system, take control of other systems, and do whatever they want.

Control Over the Server

Hackers can target an entire fleet of automobiles vehicles using command and control servers. They can destroy a company’s fleet in various ways, including harassing customers to pay their bills and repeatedly blowing horns. The worst-case scenario is that hackers might jeopardize the safety of drivers.


The repercussions of a hacked car are severe, but there are solutions available. According to Andy Greenburg, “solving autonomous vehicles’ security flaws will require some fundamental changes to their security architecture.” It will also necessitate collaboration among automobile manufacturers, security professionals, and government organizations. As a result, a unified security architecture will be created, verified by security experts, and adhere to government guidelines. Unfortunately, security specialists are in short supply.

Most experts think there will be a shortage of roughly two million cyber professionals in the next several years. Organizations have increased their efforts to supply the pipeline with educated and highly skilled individuals who can defend vital cyberinfrastructures and information assets to address this deficit. Autonomous vehicles are on the way, and trained cyber specialists will be required to prevent and mitigate assaults and vulnerabilities in this rapidly developing technology.

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